Dublin, 1922, the Irish Civil War is tearing the nation apart. In the cauldron of the family’s tiny tenement flat, Juno Boyle, a beleaguered matriarch whose sharp wit is a survival tool, struggles to make ends meet and keep the family together. Her husband, ‘Captain’ Jack Boyle, fancies himself a ship's commander but sails no further than the pub. When providence comes knocking with news of a great inheritance, could the family’s troubles finally fade away?
Poetic, poignant, and hilarious, JUNO AND THE PAYCOCK is a big-hearted, black-humoured, tragi-comic triumph that reflects on a mother’s resilience in the midst of life’s most trying moments.
Tony award-nominee J. Smith-Cameron (Succession’s Gerri Kellman) stars as Juno Boyle opposite Mark Rylance as ‘Captain’ Jack Boyle in a highly anticipated new production of JUNO AND THE PAYCOCK, Seán O’Casey's timeless masterpiece, directed by Tony and Olivier award-winner Matthew Warchus (Matilda The Musical, Pride).
Joining J. Smith-Cameron (Juno Boyle) and Mark Rylance (‘Captain’ Jack Boyle) are Paul Hilton (‘Joxer’ Daly), Aisling Kearns (Mary Boyle), Eimhin Fitzgerald Doherty (Johnny Boyle), Ingrid Craigie (Mrs Tancred), Anna Healy (Mrs Maisie Madigan), Chris Walley (Charles Bentham), Seán Duggan (‘Needle’ Nugent), Leo Hanna (Jerry Devine), Jessica Cervi, Caolan McCarthy, Bryan Moriarty, John Rice and Jacinta Whyte.
Please note: There is no readmittance into the auditorium once the performance has begun.
Assisted Perfromances:
Audio Described, 2 November, 2pm
Captioned, 9 November, 2pm
Signed, 19 October, 2pm
Good to Know
Ages 14+. Everyone must have their own ticket. Under 16s must be accompanied by and sat next to a ticketholder who is 18+. Under 3s will not be admitted.
2hr 45min. Incl. interval.
Gielgud Theatre